Promoting and Teaching Modern British Values
At Sutton Park Primary School we recognise our responsibility for preparing children for life in modern Britain. We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and celebrated through the ethos and work of the school. We look for opportunities in all curriculum areas to further the understanding of these concepts. In particular, our RE and PSHE lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Children embrace these concepts with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives.
The school makes considerable efforts to ensure children have exposure to a wide experience beyond their local community during which these concepts are shown, through for example, sporting events, a range of visits and use of outdoor education centres.
British Values
Mutual Respect and the Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs
Respect is a fundamental school value, which we promote and celebrate with our school respect trophy. We pay explicit attention to this as part of our RE, PHSE, and THRIVE curriculum.
Respect is a school value that is discussed across all age groups, covering the following aspects: self-respect; respect for family, friends and other groupsÍž respect for the world and its people and respect for the environment.
We actively challenge pupils or parents who express opinions contrary to British Values e.g. racist comments.
Respect trophy celebration board
PSHE/ THRIVE curriculum and planning
Collective Worship/ assembly record
RE curriculum and planning
Learning Walks for behaviour
Official helpers nominated every fortnight for each class
Eco councillors for each class
Visits to different places of worship
Visitors from local places of worship lead assemblies in school
Children can articulate why respect is important, how they show respect to others and how they feel about others showing for themselves.
Children’s behaviour demonstrates their good understanding of this value in action.
Children can explain the differences between people and the need to accept these e.g. faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and family circumstance.
Children are able to talk about the different faiths and cultures they learn about, ask questions and show tolerance and respect for others of different faiths and religions.
At Sutton Park we see this as being an essential component of successful team working.
Democracy is a value that children meet when discussing respect and fairness.
We encourage children to become involved in decision-making processes and ensure they are listened to in school.
We teach children how to express their opinions, argue and defend their point of view.
The establishment of a new School Council each year models the democratic process i.e. children proposed new house team names for School Council to vote on
Learning Walks for behaviour
Active listening
House teams
PSHE curriculum
Children have input in class topic planning
Children are able to work cooperatively in pairs and groups as well as in whole class situations. They understand about turn taking and respecting the views of others.
Children in KS2 in particular are able to use the language of respect.
Children all belong to a house team they collect points for.
Rule of Law
The children at Sutton Park Primary are familiar with this concept through the ethos of the school. School rules and expectations are clear and fair and are there to ensure everyone is safe, happy and able to learn.
Through the discussion of values in RE lessons, they understand that different religions have guiding principles.
Children are used to debating and discussing laws/rules and their application.
Class Rules
School Rules/Learning Behaviours/ School Values PSHE/Citizenship lessons on the role of law and parliament School Council meetings Collective Worship
RE planning and work books
Learning Walks for behaviour and behaviour for learning
Children are able to articulate how and why they need to behave in school and demonstrate good behaviour in class and moving around the school.
Through the zone board system children can explain what behaviour choices mean they will move up the zone board and what choices will get them moved down.
They are able to discuss and debate philosophical issues in relation to these.
Individual Liberty
This is taught in relation to the value of each individual so that children see that they are important in their own right. This serves to promote self-confidence and promote self-esteem.
The philosophy of our teaching and learning places emphasis on the right to have and express our own thoughts and opinions.
Children are strongly encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, develop independence in learning and to think for themselves
Through lesson observations and learning walks, children are able to show independence in learning and to think for themselves.
Pupil questionnaires
Pupil voice used as a monitoring tool.
Children understand about the importance of accepting responsibility and of their right to be heard in school.
They are consulted on many aspects of school life and demonstrate independence of thought and action.