The Parents/Carers of pupil’s residing outside Worcestershire, but who wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, must complete an application provided by the 'home' Local Authority. The 'home' Local Authority will ensure that the application details are passed onto the Worcestershire Local Authority for consideration in the allocation of school places.
It is very important that applications are received no later than the specified closing date.
Late applications are always considered, though it may not be possible to allocate a place in the school you prefer if it is oversubscribed, even if the school is the catchment area school for your child’s home address.
You should inform the Headteacher of the allocated school, and the School Admissions Section if you are withdrawing your application for any reason. The School Admissions Section and the Headteacher must be notified immediately of any change in the child’s home address.
Admissions Appeals
The school uses the services of the Appeals Team at Warwickshire County Council to conduct admission appeal hearings and further information is available on their website at
The appeal form that would need to be completed can be found here. All correspondence and evidence relating to appeals should be sent directly to the Appeals Team. Their contact details are and 01926 412954.
If you need additional information about admissions or appeals for the school, please contact the Admissions Officer at school. We are not able to advise you on the likely outcome of an individual appeal and parents/carers should form their own judgement on whether to appeal.